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David Lab Member Robert Van Ostrand receives Crown Royal Award at Sacramento Kings Salute to Service Night

David Lab Member Robert Van Ostrand was recognized as the Honoree Veteran and received the Crown Royal Award at the Sacramento Kings Salute to Service Night. Robert’s service in the United States Marine Corps from 2005 – 2013 included a deployment to Iraq as an active duty Infantryman, as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2007, which was followed by a transition to Data Networking Specialist as a Reservist in 2010. Robert was selected for this award for his community service for local veterans and for the City of Davis.


#davidlab #ucdavis #veterans #vfw6949davis #sheiladavid #robertvanostrand #davis #goags #ucdavischemistry #sacramentokings


Robert is presented the Crown Royal Award as the Honoree Veteran at the Sacramento Kings Salute to Service Night
Robert on the big screen showing off the lab!
Robert Accepts the Crown Royal Award
Robert with wife Ashley prior to the game.
Who put him up there?

















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Dr. Sheila S. David

Department of Chemistry
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616