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The David/Beal Lab Kickball Game: The Beal Lab won the trophy back this year – but we will be looking to bring it back to its rightful home in 2018!
Nicole with Sheila at Graduation 2017: Congratulations for all of your success in earning your Ph.D., Nicole!Graduation 2017: Holly, Taylor, Sheila, and Nicole are coming up with the next big idea. Today, UC Davis…tomorrow, the world!The David Lab crashes Graduation 2017.The David Lab Interpretive Reenactment of BER: Beware of oxidative damaging agents, but luckily there are proteins around to repair the precious DNA. As in any system, a few inactive proteins can also be observed.Congratulations to Dr. Manlove as she reserves her space on the David Lab wall during her hand print ceremony!
Phil is leaving his mark in the David Lab hand print ceremony. Congratulations, Dr. Yuen!
Graduate Student Spotlight: Mo Hashemian This summer’s graduate student spotlight is on Mo Hashemian! Over the past year, Mo has accomplished numerous achievements. He was…
We bid farewell to our Postdoctoral Researcher, Carlos TrasviƱa-Arenas, as he begins his own lab in the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the…
A big belated congratulations to Dr. Merve Demir on filing her dissertation! Her research has helped further our understanding of the mechanisms and structures involved…
Congratulations to Professor Sheila David on Receiving the 2022 Education Award 10/12/2022 Professor David receives the 2022 Education Award by the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics…
Many congratulations to our graduate students! Elizabeth Lotsof won the Raymon M. Keefer Fellowship which is awarded to graduate students pursing a Ph.D. in Chemistry.…
By watching the ebb and flow of the brain's chemical signals, researchers are beginning to disentangle the molecular mechanisms underlying the intrinsic motivation to learn. In a new study of zebra finches, researchers show that a hit a dopamine tells baby birds when their song practice is paying off. The findings suggest that dopamine acts […]
Mothers experience major metabolic adaptations during pregnancy and lactation to support the development and growth of the new life. Although many metabolic changes have been studied, body temperature regulation and environmental temperature preference during and after pregnancy remain poorly understood. Researchers show that postpartum female mice develop new environmental temperature preferences and reveal brain changes […]
Early animal studies show that a single vaccine could protect the recipient from different variants of the coronaviruses that cause COVID-19, the flu and the common cold. In addition to creating antibodies that target a specific region of the spike protein that doesn't mutate, the vaccine removes the sugar coat from the virus that allows […]
Deep below the Earth's surface, rock and mineral formations lay hidden with a secret brilliance. Under a black light, the chemicals fossilized within shine in brilliant hues of pink, blue and green. Scientists are using these fluorescent features to understand how the caves formed and the conditions for supporting life in extreme, and even extraterrestrial, […]
The condition of the grass on a golf course can drastically skew the chances of a winning putt regardless of a player's skill. Now, a coating that soaks up water molecules could slow the roll of a golf ball on a lightning-fast, dry course and speed it up on a sluggish, wet course without interfering […]
Dr. Sheila S. David
Department of Chemistry
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616