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Graduate Student Spotlight: Elizabeth Lotsof

Graduate Student Spotlight: Elizabeth Lotsof


Meet Elizabeth Lotsof, a Graduate Student in Sheila David’s lab at UC Davis in the Department of Chemistry seeking to earn her Ph.D. in Chemistry. Liz focuses on DNA repair enzyme NEIL in her research. Liz is also a mentor to undergraduate researchers, a reliable teammate, and has made significant contributions to the Department of Chemistry at UC Davis through her mentorship, outreach, and dedication to peer graduate students.

Watch this video to learn about her work, about who she looks up to in science, how her graduate study has helped shape her future, and more!




Liz’s Bio on the David Lab Website:

Elizabeth Rose Lotsof

The David Lab Website:

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Dr. Sheila S. David

Department of Chemistry
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616